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A GROUP DOG WALK at Rhodes Minnis, on Saturday 28th December
Walk off the Christmas Pudding and welcome in 2020 with a Riding Club Group Walk - All dogs welcome.
Meet at 10.30 at The West Wood Forest Car Park at CT4 6DN for a 90 minute walk through West Wood & Park Gate Woods.
Hot Drinks & Nibbles on return.
For more information or to register your intention to join us please contact Liz on 07813880373 or at Elizabeth.roberts@leescourtestate.com.
It was great fun last year with lots of dogs & walkers – lets make it even bigger & better this year with a prize for the most tinsel worn by a dog and one for the best Christmas outfit for either dog or walker!
Walkers without dogs welcome too.
FDRC COMPANION & FUN DOG SHOW at Kemsley Village Hall on Nov 16th
Our annual indoor show for your other four legged friends.
This is a Kennel Club affiliated Companion Dog Show and we welcome dogs of all shapes and sizes.
Classes for Pedigree & Novelty each with their own Championship.
There will be refreshments & home made cakes on sale
Looking forward to seeing you there
FDRC CHRISTMAS DINNER at The Alma, Painters Forstal ME13 0DU on Dec 6th
'Tis the season to be jolly
To miss this event would be folly
To meet with friends & have a chat
To talk with them of this and that
To have a drink & eat delicious food
Will put you in the Christmas mood
December the 6th is the date
Tell Anne you're coming - don't be late
In other words - don't miss the wonderful meal being offered to members & guests at
The Alma Pub at Painters Forstal, nr Faversham, ME13 0DU
on Friday December 6th
Anne needs to know if you are coming along to book final numbers & menu choices by 2nd December at the very latest
To book your place you can:
Fill in the booking form & post it with a cheque to the address on the form
Email your choices to v.a.ball@outlook.com & send money by BACS to:
Account Number : 30858356 Sort Code: 60 19 25 Ref: Meal
Go to http://clubentries.com/favershamrc/ where you can book and pay online with PayPal or card
AREA 10 COMBINED TRAINING QUALIFIER on April 6th at Felbridge EC, East Grinstead RH19 2NU
For the fifth year running the Faversham and District Riding Club is going to Organise and run the Area 10 Combined Training Qualifier. Please make a note in your Diary for Saturday 6th April 2019!!
We booked the Venue at Felbridge Show Centre once again. We realise this is not local but it is an ideal venue for the event as we need five all weather surfaced arenas to run the event efficiently and Felbridge is really the only centre that can accommodate this.
There are both Junior and Senior teams and individual classes and the schedule will be out soon. So whether you are looking to be in one of our Club teams or you are able to give up your time and help on the day, we really do need you! This event takes an army of Riders, supporters, family members and helpers to really make it happen!
Entries can be made by clubs for teams of three/four or as individuals both junior and senior. Each team consists of two riders in each section.
Prelim section will ride the BRC HT 90Q (2013) Dressage Test and Jump 75cm
Novice section will ride the BRC HT 100Q (2013) Dressage Test and Jump 85cm
Fibre-Beet sponsor this event which qualifies for Fibre-Beet Festival of the Horse which will be held on the 18th and 19th May 2019 at Washbrook Farm, Aston-le-Walls, Daventry, Northamptonshire, NN11 6RT
A huge thank you to everyone who has been part of this event in the past, it really is appreciated and we hope you can join us again!Please get in touch if I haven’t contacted you already and you would like to help or if you would like to compete. The Prelim entries will need to be in by the 17th March 2019.
For more information or to help or be in a team contact Lindsey at lf.bootes@btinternet.com
on Saturday 13th April 2019
at Mockbeggar Farm, Rhodes Minnis CT4 6XY by kind permission of Mr & Mrs S Horkan & Liz Roberts
A fun clinic for everyone - all ages, shapes and sizes of horses and riders welcome.
This clinic will help both horse and rider with confidence and socialisation; and can be done in-hand or under saddle. Working in small groups, you will be learning how to tackle challenges, ranging from crossing a tarpaulin and footbridge, and going through streamers, to negotiating complicated pole based obstacles.
£5.00 for Members & £10.00 for Non Members, and will include a fun competition and barbeque. Visitors will be welcome at a small charge.
on Saturday 13th April 2019
at Mockbeggar Farm, Rhodes Minnis CT4 6XY by kind permission of Mr & Mrs S Horkan & Liz Roberts
A fun clinic for everyone - all ages, shapes and sizes of horses and riders welcome.
This clinic will help both horse and rider with confidence and socialisation; and can be done in-hand or under saddle. Working in small groups, you will be learning how to tackle challenges, ranging from crossing a tarpaulin and footbridge, and going through streamers, to negotiating complicated pole based obstacles.
£5.00 for Members & £10.00 for Non Members, and will include a fun competition and barbeque. Visitors will be welcome at a small charge.
FDRC SPRING SHOW at Willow Farm, Hansletts Lane, Ospringe ME13 0RS
on Sunday May 12th
This is the perfect start to the season with classes for everyone from the very novice to the more experienced.
Back by popular demand - two classes of Have-a-Go Dressage with a casual dress code
Dressage, Show Jumping & Showing Ridden & In Hand classes for all ages & abilities.
Looking forward to seeing lots of our Members entering.
This would be the ideal show to start getting points for the 2019 BRC Grassroots League (see above)
EQIPILATES & RIDER BIOMECHANICS on Thursday May 23rd at 7.00 pm
at Bossingham Village Hall, CT4 6DX
All proceeds in aid of The Little Sweep’s Fund
(a not for profit organisation set up to help fund the care and rehabilitation of abandoned equines)
Evening talk on Equipilates and Rider Biomechanics with Laura Carter (ITEC Dip Equine and Human, EBT, MESMA)
Find out what it is and how it will help you become the rider your horse would prefer you to be.
Do you sit to one side...
Does one stirrup always feel shorter than the other, but you measured them and they are equal...
Do you find one rein easier than the other...
Do you have stiffness and discomfort during or after riding or stable chores...
Do you feel you hold one rein shorter than the other...
Do you find it easier to look over one shoulder than the other...
The above are all issues which may be helped by equipilates and rider biomechanics.
Come along for a fun and informative evening, all in aid of a good and local cause...Little Sweep’s Fund.
Tea coffee and light refreshments
Demos and Q&A
£10 payable via www.clubentries.com/favershamrc
Or email littlesweepsfund@gmail.com for ticket and PayPal details.
Lecture Demo with David of 'First Thought Equine Ltd' Saturday 6th July 10am
Symmetry in the Saddle follow up event – Postponed from original date in January.
This will include a demonstrations of a couple of riders, riding a Dressage test in their own saddles and then following a fitting of a WOW saddle they will then have the chance to ride the test again.
If any members are interested in taking part in this event, there will be a limited number of places available.
This is an opportunity to try a WOW saddle and also for everyone to partake in open discussion on the horses way of going and symmetry.
Our last event was a great success and I cant thank Maddie and David enough for giving us this opportunity to visit their HQ and
share their knowledge one again.
Location – Little Duskin Farm, Covet Lane, Kingston, Canterbury, Kent CT4 6JS. In the indoor school, seating provided.
Car Parking – at the factory car park
Refreshments – Hot drinks provided – tea coffee fruit teas etc. and biscuits.
Charge – £5/£10 entry fee, which David and Maggie wish to go to their chosen charity the ‘British Horse Society’
More details to follow and for anyone interested please contact Lindsey Bootes
at Willow Farm EC, Hansletts Lane, Faversham ME13 0RS
And now for something a bit different
We are running a Versatile TREC Horse Competition & Dog Show on Sunday 21st July 2019 at Willow Farm EC, Faversham following the success of the previous two we have run.
After the success of the Horse Agility Sessions we ran back in the Spring we are hoping that you will all come along to this event and put your Horse Agility Training to good use.
We are looking for both competitors but also a few extra helpers to be PTV (obstacle judges) as we could do with a few more hands to run on the day - you do not have to be fluent in TREC all will be explained on the day. A good way to learn a bit more about it all.
If you can help please contact Sally King on 01622851807 or at faversham.rc@gmail.com asap!
Versatile TREC Horse was created to introduce riders to TREC.
VTH is a three phase competition with set riding times but without the orienteering included in full TREC. It is something just a bit different to do with your horse.
Phase 1. Obedience Test - Ridden in a 20 x 40 arena with the emphasis is on accuracy and obedience of the horse. The test might include movements such as rein back and immobility. Marks out of 10 are given for each movement . Tests may be on grass or a surface and are usually printed in the schedule and may be read.
Phase 2. Control of Paces (MA) in this phase the horse & rider canters/trots as slowly as possible along a 2m wide marked track which may or may not be straight. Then walks back as fast as they can without breaking pace or stepping outside the track. This phase is scored on a sliding scale according to time taken.
Phase 3. Obstacle Course (PTV) In this phase there is a course of 10-16 obstacles that simulate things you might find out hacking - e.g. gate, narrow path. Each obstacle has a maximum of 10 points.
You may decline to do any obstacle or phase without being eliminated – you just get 0 for that obstacle or section.
Dress code for VTH is casual but you must wear suitable boots for riding with a heel and a hat that complies with current BRC / TREC GB standards.
VTH Competitions are a friendly and fun one day competition with the emphasis on encouraging newcomers as well as giving experienced riders a good test of their skills. There are usually classes for Starters and Novice, Intermediate and Open Ridden classes. Why not give it a try?
If you are already doing TREC - This competition will go towards the S E TREC League and should you have qualified for the Championships it will provide good practice of MA & PTV.
at The Alma, Painters Forstal, Faversham ME13 0DU
on Saturday July 27th at 7.00 pm
Come and join us at The Alma for a sizzling Summer BBQ - a chance to catch up with FDRC friends and have a good natter and eat delicious food on a warm Summer evening.
There will be a quiz sheet and if you want to take part you can tackle it by yourself or with a partner or even a team or not do it at all! The choice is yours - Prize for the winner(s)
Cost: £12.50 per head bookable in advance by either:
Emailing Anne at a.ball@mitgroup.co.uk and paying by BACS to
Barclays Acct No: 30858356 Sort Code: 60 19 25 Ref: BBQ
Posting form from flyer with a cheque made out to Faversham & District Riding Club
going to https://clubentries.com/favershamrc/
Hope to see lots of you there.
Practical look at the rider’s position & saddle fitting, showing the way they influence the horse.
Wednesday 9th October 2019 Starting at 7pm
Location – Little Duskin Farm, Covet Lane, Kingston, Canterbury, Kent CT4 6JS. In the indoor school, seating provided, but please dress to keep warm.
Car Parking – at the factory car park
Refreshments – Hot drinks provided – tea coffee fruit teas etc. and biscuits.
Charge – £5 entry fee, which David and Maggie wish to go to their chosen charity the ‘British Horse Society’ Places need to be booked with Lindsey Bootes. Please make the most of this opportunity!
Goodie Bag – For all attendees including a WOW discount voucher– to be used against a new saddle or girth.
Talk Content –
The evening will begin with the opportunity for everyone to sit on a WOW saddle and appreciate the different styles available.
We will also use a saddle horse and rider to explain how we can predict the way the horse will work from the way the rider sits
We will discuss head plates and panels and with visual aids determine the correct fit required.
We will use a members horse to show where you should look for symmetry or asymmetry in the horse including shoulders, rib cage quarters and rib cage” lift” and David will describe what he is seeing in terms of musculature and how he would expect the horse to work.
There will be educational videos to show among other things, the use of pressure testing.
There will be a chance to sit on a saddle on a saddle horse and experience the saddle being pumped up and adjusted. Also plenty of time for Q&A
Talk Length – we expect maximum including Q&A to be 2 hours.
The evening will run from 7pm, there will be plenty to see and do and a great deal of knowledge to take home.
To book your place or to find out more then please contact Lindsey from the Faversham and District Riding Club on 07729763470 or LF.Bootes@btinternet.com We hope you can join us!
Practical look at the rider’s position & saddle fitting, showing the way they influence the horse.
Wednesday 9th October 2019 Starting at 7pm
Location – Little Duskin Farm, Covet Lane, Kingston, Canterbury, Kent CT4 6JS. In the indoor school, seating provided, but please dress to keep warm.
Car Parking – at the factory car park
Refreshments – Hot drinks provided – tea coffee fruit teas etc. and biscuits.
Charge – £5 entry fee, which David and Maggie wish to go to their chosen charity the ‘British Horse Society’ Places need to be booked with Lindsey Bootes. Please make the most of this opportunity!
Goodie Bag – For all attendees including a WOW discount voucher– to be used against a new saddle or girth.
Talk Content –
The evening will begin with the opportunity for everyone to sit on a WOW saddle and appreciate the different styles available.
We will also use a saddle horse and rider to explain how we can predict the way the horse will work from the way the rider sits
We will discuss head plates and panels and with visual aids determine the correct fit required.
We will use a members horse to show where you should look for symmetry or asymmetry in the horse including shoulders, rib cage quarters and rib cage” lift” and David will describe what he is seeing in terms of musculature and how he would expect the horse to work.
There will be educational videos to show among other things, the use of pressure testing.
There will be a chance to sit on a saddle on a saddle horse and experience the saddle being pumped up and adjusted. Also plenty of time for Q&A
Talk Length – we expect maximum including Q&A to be 2 hours.
The evening will run from 7pm, there will be plenty to see and do and a great deal of knowledge to take home.
To book your place or to find out more then please contact Lindsey from the Faversham and District Riding Club on 07729763470 or LF.Bootes@btinternet.com We hope you can join us!
on Saturday Nov 2nd at Coldblow Livery Yard, Detling, ME14 3LR
This event will be weather dependant
An event for newcomers to the sport, or seasoned competitors, to practice TWO TREC skills of , Control of Paces and Obstacles, in a fun filled, friendly environment.
Entry Fee £10.00
The event will take place in the cross country field and the out door school ,there will be time to practice over the obstacles and control of paces with help from seasoned treccies.
At the end of the day there will be a chance to put it all together were you will be marked and scores awarded there will be a gold silver or bronze rosettes for all .
If you wanted to finish your day with a ride round the local toll ride this will be possible at an extra cost of £5
Closing date for entry - 28th October 2019
SCHEDULE / Booking Form
Entries can be made on booking form or online at clubentries.com