Meeting from 5.30pm. to 7.30-8.00pm
A social evening at Bigberry Farm XC Course 5.30pm to 7.30-8.00pm
Open to members and friends of members.
Riders will be able to use the cross country course or simply hack around the course.
Body protectors must be worn!
Entry Fee: £15.00 (Members) £20.00 (Non-Members)
Entries in advance. via My Riding Life
£3.00 charge if paying by BACS
Payment is secure and it goes directly to Faversham & District Riding Club.
You will receive an email confirmation of your booking and payment.
Please bring something to 'socialise' with for after the ride (tea/coffee/cake etc!)
If you have wanted to try this marvellous art of riding, bring your horse and astride tack to Breach Barn for one to one instruction. Each session will last approx 45 - 1 hour and will include the correct fitting of a side saddle (supplied on the day) to your horse, then you get on and try it under the watchful eye of Rebekah.
For those who attended the previous sessions, Rebekah will be able to work with you on moving on with your horse. The saddle will again be fitted and further instruction on now to improve.
Bring friends and cameras for this excellent opportunity to see if enjoy this wonderful elegant way of riding.
You will need to be wearing a fitted riding hat to current BRC standard, riding gloves, and long boots without buckles, (in addition to your regular riding wear).
Cost :
£40 Members of FDRC (Choose Members Fee when in Entering in MRL)
and £45 for non members.
Entries in advance via My Riding Life . You can enter using our Secure Online Entry System.
Payment is secure and it goes directly to Faversham & District Riding Club.
You will receive an email confirmation of your booking and payment.
HAVE A GO AT SIDE SADDLE at Mockbeggar Farm, Rhodes Minnis on Sunday AUGUST 28th
with Rebekah Marks-Hubbard, BHS Accredited Coach, SSA Instructor.
Following the popularity of our first sidesaddle day we are holding another.
Have a go at side saddle, if you have wanted to try this marvellous art of riding bring your horse and astride tack to Mockbeggar Farm on the 12th June for a One to one instruction which will also include fitting of a side saddle (supplied on the day) to your horse, then you get on and try it.
Bring friends and cameras for this excellent opportunity to catch you riding in the most traditional way. You will need to be wearing a fitted riding hat to current BRC standard, riding gloves, and long boots (without buckles), in addition to your regular riding wear.
This is a BRC/FDRC event only and all those participating must be members of an affiliated riding club. and also, for you to have your own insurance i.e. through BHS membership or similar.
The charge is £35 members of FDRC £40 members of another BRC riding club
Entry via Clubentries.com/favershamrc Click for Info Sheet & Enrolment Form
contact Liz Roberts at equinelaser@gmail.com
HORSE AGILITY CLINIC with JO CARROLL at Mockbeggar Farm, Rhodes Minnis
by kind permission of Bev and Sean Horkan
A fun clinic aimed at all ages and types of horses/ponies. A great way to have some fun while over coming fears, building confidence, educating/socialising a younger horse or just simply having fun doing something different. Hour group sessions which can be done in hand, ridden or both.
Groups of maximum 5 for 1 Hour Sessions
Please ensure you are wearing suitable footwear, a riding hat and gloves whilst in hand.
ENTRIES at https://clubentries.com/favershamrc/
£22 p/p FDRC Members
£25 p/p Non- Members including arena hire.
Contact : Ali Martin at batty2205@gmail.com
on Sunday August 7th
A members-only event with a little twist... you can bring one Non-Member (and their horse/pony) to accompany you.
Bring a picnic, bring your ponies/horses, bring a friend .... introduce them to the fun and friendly Faversham Riding Club!
A fun and relaxed day at Otterpool Livery Yard, with the use of the woodland ride, the friendly XC course and the jump cross course. There is plenty of hardstanding parking.
Cost is £30 members £35 Non-member who must accompany a member.
Entry will be via www.clubentries.com/favershamrc
Contact Heather Stubbs at 07767422435 or maddieandmegan123@gmail.com
What Otterpool has to offer:
Woodland ‘long track’ Log ride – this track has a few logs to jump at the start (with more to be added shortly), thetrack is on most parts slightly hilly so fab for fitness but also has flat parts.
Showjump Woodland Track - this track is extremely flat and the ground is good. There are x20 fences on the track that can be altered from 20cm to 90cm!All jumps come down and have a ‘go around’ option.
XC Course (20cm-90cm) - this XC course is in one enclosed field. The course includes logs, tyres, dragon, bank, combination logs, houses, a step and mini fences.
Find out more about Otterpool at https://www.facebook.com/groups/361795764261884
Otterpool is situated just off the A20 near to Lympne Industrials Estate, quick and easy access from M20 J11
W3W: furnish.clattered.dislikes
I have run lots of these for Maidstone RC and my old yard, and the idea is to put together a simple routine, and then try it out. We do lots of practice of the basics, and although sometimes we do get to canter this would only be if suitable for everyone involved.
So here is the info you need for our Quadrille from scratch / Musical ride at Saddlesdane, Thursday May 12th, ready to ride at 11am - we have booked for an hour.
We will practice a few patterns, then put together a routine which hopefully someone will video for us.
If it goes well we can do another, maybe an evening one for a Jubilee theme. All you need is a horse which is happy in company [not nappy or inclined to kick] with steering, accelerator and brakes. Not necessarily a ' Dressage Horse'
If everyone is happy we might incl canter but not necessarily. Tack - whatever you are happy with. Plain saddlecloths. White would be good? Navy / dark blue tops, and light breeches [ white / beige / light grey] If we do a display we can fine tune this. NO long whips [ they can upset other horses]
We can go up to 8 horses, but 4 will be enough, and I will ride or direct as needed to balance numbers.
£20 - entry on clubentries shortly
Wendy Neath 07802 676 896 or 01227 379647
Original date for this put out as May 12th but due to lameness / injury issues of several horses it was cancelled
As we have ongoing interest in this activity a new date will be issued soon. Please look out for it on the Whats On page or our Facebook page.
AREA 10 COMBINED TRAINING QUALIFIER on April 2nd 2022 at Felbridge EC, East Grinstead RH19 2NU
For the sixth year the Faversham and District Riding Club is organising Area 10 Combined Training Qualifier.
Please make a note in your Diary for Saturday 2nd April 2022.
We booked Felbridge Show Centre once again. We realise this is not local but it is an ideal venue for the event as we need five all weather surfaced arenas to run the event efficiently and Felbridge is really the only centre that can accommodate this.
There are both Junior and Senior teams and individual classes and the schedule will be out soon.
So whether you are looking to be in one of our Club teams or you are able to give up your time and help on the day, we really do need you!
This event takes an army of riders, supporters, and helpers to really make it happen!
Extra classes for individuals this year -
to compete in a Prelim Dressage test with the higher SJ height of 85cm
to compete in a Novice Dressage test with the lower SJ height of 75cm
Entries can be made by clubs for teams of three/four or as individuals both junior and senior. Each team consists of two riders in each section.
Prelim section will ride the a Dressage Test and Jump 75cm
Novice section will ride the a Dressage Test and Jump 85cm
A huge thank you to everyone who has been part of this event in the past, it really is appreciated and we hope you can join us again!
Please get in touch if you would like to help or if you would like to compete.
The Prelim entries will need to be in by the early March.
For more information or to help or be in a team contact Lindsey at lf.bootes@btinternet.com or Team Manager, Jenny Marshall at jennylmarshall11@gmail.com
SOCIAL RIDE - Waddenhall Farm, Petham on 23rd January - FULL
Duration: 2 hr
The ride will be leaving from Waddenhall Farm, Waddenhall Lane off the Gogway, Petham (off the B2068).
Meet from 10am, ready to ride at 10.30am. Depending on the weather, this will be a mix of roads and local bridleways, and will be for a max 2 hours (again weather depending).
Cost £5. enter via Clubentries.com/favershamrc
Hard parking at Waddenhall Farm.
Please bring equipment to clear up after your horse.
What3words locations is: outhouse.keyboard.dimes
For those who have been to the polework clinics, the farm is about half a mile further down the lane
Contact: Liz Roberts at equinelaser@gmail.com
To keep us all active and 'going' through the darker, wintery months, we have come up with another 'Treasure Hunt' Type Challenge called Hoofprinthunt... the clue is in the name...
The Hoofprint Winter Challenge will run from 1st December 2021 to 31st January 2022
#FDRChoofprinthunt Winter Challenge – a type of treasure hunt using photos and videos.
The entry fee is £16 Members and £20 Non-Members, £6 (£10 of non-members fee) will go towards FDRC club funds and £10 will go to the charity Prince Fluffy Kareem Horse and Donkey Charity.
The photographs and videos have to be taken between the competition dates (no old photos) and must include your horse (or be very obvious you are on your horse). Horses can be ridden or in-hand to get the photographs/videos.
If you do not have a horse, you can still take part in using a model or toy horse, but you will be given a handicap of minus 100points.
Photos are to be added to the photo folder in the FDRC Riding Club Facebook page and must include your name and the name of the horse in the photo.
If you are not on Facebook, then please WhatsApp photographs to 07813880373 (along with your name/horse name) and I will upload them for you.
The list of items will not be released until the 1st December, and a Tally Up Tuesday will list the leaders and scores to keep you all motivated. More items will be released on Jan 1st.
Entries via Clubentries.com/favershamrc
This year’s meeting will again be by Zoom (just in case). We held the 2021 meeting by Zoom and had a good attendance. So do come and join us and hear about what the Club did during 2021 and how we coped with the pandemic and what we have planned for 2022.
This is your chance to tell us what you want us to run and the direction you want the Club to take.
If you don’t do Zoom you can call in on the phone & join in that way. Hoping to see you there.
At the AGM we will be announcing:
The REDHORSE DRESSAGE FDRC League Results for 2021
LINK for ZOOM FDRC AGM Time: Feb 15, 2022 08:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85355646869
Meeting ID: 853 5564 6869
One tap mobile
+442080806591,,85355646869# United Kingdom
+442080806592,,85355646869# United Kingdom
Dial by your location
+44 208 080 6591 United Kingdom
+44 208 080 6592 United Kingdom
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+44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom
+44 203 481 5237 United Kingdom
+44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom
+44 203 901 7895 United Kingdom
Meeting ID: 853 5564 6869
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kb6xCQCNhJ
If you feel you would like to join us on the Committee please contact the Club Secretary Ali Martin contact details on the Committee Page for your name to be put forward.
SOCIAL RIDE on Sunday March 13th from Syndale Farm,Faversham Road, Ospringe, ME13 0RJ
The ride will be leaving from Syndale Farm, Faversham Road, Ospringe ME13 0RJ
at the kind invitation of John & Vicky Clinch plus at least two other landowners with adjoining farms.
Meet from 10am, ready to ride at 10.30am.
This ride will be mainly over privately owned farmland with some bridleways& country lanes max 1.5 to 2 hours (weather depending).
This ride will be limited to 8 riders and will be led by Vicky Clinch –depending on mix of riders/horses we might split into two groups.
There is some hard parking & some grass parking.
Cost £5. enter via Clubentries.com/favershamrc
What3words : sprint.incensed.fooling
Details will be updated nearer the time & on FDRC facebook page