The FDRC AGM is on Monday 10th February 7.30 for 8.00 pm start
at Norton Village Hall, Norton, Nr Faversham ME13 0SW
Free admission with tea, coffee & doughnuts provided.
2019 Members Awards will be given out and
The FDRC Redhorse Dressage League 2019 Results will be announced & rosettes given out.
This is the place for all FDRC Members to be on Feb 10th to hear all about & discuss the past Club year’s trials & triumphs and to have your say on what the Club will be doing in 2020
Refreshments will be available –time for a good gossip and to catch up with fellow club members.
Could we tempt you to get more involved with the running of the Club?
We are very friendly, we meet once a month and try to share the tasks involved fairly.
New ideas & input are extremely welcome and beneficial to the Club.
Please consider it you might be just what the Club needs!
If you feel you would like to find out more please ring Anne on 07979 432818 or
Sally on 01622 85180
NEW X/C TRAINING at Lockskinners Farm, TN8 7ND
We have arranged for two training sessions on the afternoon of 5th April starting at 1.30 pm with Janine Lamy at Lockskinners North (info on Janine is below) Facebook Lockskinners Farm for more information and photos of the course.
Group of four riders - £20 each plus course hire (£17.50)
(If you would prefer an individual lesson or a pairs lesson with Janine please contact me directly as this can be arranged)
Group session will last approx 1 hour but may over run slightly if an 'issue' has to be worked through.
Lockskinners Course hire is £17.50 for Riding Club Members and is payable on the day. Disclaimer must also be signed on arrival.
Fences at Lockskinners North range from 40 to 100cm
Please message me to pre-book your place on this training course. Payment for Janine is via ClubEntries (see link below) and needs to be paid by the 1st April 2020
Lockskinners course hire fee to be paid on the day.
About Janine
Janine has a long established background in the training of young event horses she is also very popular for show-jump instruction and cross-country schooling. She is a UKCC qualified coach, is on the BHS Register of Instructors, is a Centre 10 Advanced Coach (Applied Psychology for Equestrian Coaches) and a Pony Club B+ Test Assessor and instructor. Janine is also a British Dressage Recognised Coach and Group 3 Rider. She has trained and competed from Prelim to PSG but with
She has always had a broad range of clients with numerous wins in British Dressage including the all important qualifications to the Regionals and National Winter Championships.
She has lots of British Eventing clients with qualification to the much sought after Badminton Grassroots Regionals.
On the showing side there has been a National Side-Saddle Working Hunter Champion, and riders at HOYS int he Search For A Star classes. With a very diverse bunch of clients nothing gives her more pleasure than to receive a text with the day’s results.
However she is happy teaching all levels, so long as you want to improve.
If there is enough interest we will organise further sessions.
on April 11th at Felbridge EC, East Grinstead RH19 2NU
For the sixth year running the Faversham and District Riding Club is going to organise and run the Area 10 Combined Training Qualifier. Please make a note in your Diary for Saturday 11th April 2020!!
We booked the venue at Felbridge Show Centre once again. We realise this is not local but it is an ideal venue for the event as we need five all weather surfaced arenas to run the event efficiently and Felbridge is really the only centre that can accommodate this.
There are both Junior and Senior teams and individual classes and the schedule will be out soon. So whether you are looking to be in one of our Club teams or you are able to give up your time and help on the day, we really do need you! This event takes an army of Riders, supporters, family members and helpers to really make it happen!
Entries can be made by clubs for teams of three/four or as individuals both junior and senior. Each team consists of two riders in each section.
Fibre-Beet sponsor this event which qualifies for Fibre-Beet Festival of the Horse which will be held on the 30th & 31st May 2020 at Washbrook Farm, Aston-le-Walls, Daventry, Northamptonshire, NN11 6RT
A huge thank you to everyone who has been part of this event in the past, it really is appreciated and we hope you can join us again!Please get in touch if I haven’t contacted you already and you would like to help or if you would like to compete. The Prelim entries will need to be in by the 21st March 2020.
For more information or to help or be in a team contact Lindsey at lf.bootes@btinternet.com
New classes & height/test combinations & Flu Regs please read schedule carefully
at 11.00 am at 2 Little Kennaways, Stalisfield Road, Faversham ME13 0AB
by kind permission of Patrick & Corinne Murphy
Vicki Wise, LANTRA Accredited Horse Fit Bit Consultant and FDRC Member, will discuss the importance of bit and bridle fit to improve a horse’s comfort, biomechanics and their welfare.
Horse Fit Bit believe that the correct fit of both a bit and bridle are equally as important as saddle fit and should not be left to trial and error. Vicki has been qualified and working as a freelance Horse Bit Fit Consultant for over a year now and has already performed consultations for over 170 horses across the
South East.
Vicki will give a talk with slides and then we will move outside for a practical demonstration.
During the talk, Vicki will cover:
Bit and bridle fit to improve horse’s comfort and biomechanics.
Dispelling some traditional myths surrounding bitting.
Looking at some of the latest research on bitting and bridle fit.
Understanding anatomy in relation to bit and bridle fit.
Looking at behavioural and physical issues arising from poor bitting and bridle fit to improve horse’s welfare.
ENTRY FEE - £5.00 for FDRC Members & £10.00 for Non-Members including light refreshments Payable on the day or via https://clubentries.com/favershamrc/
FDRC HORSE SHOW at Willow Farm, Hansletts Lane, Ospringe ME13 0RS CANCELLED
on Sunday May 17th
NEW for 2020 - Sunshine Tour Qualifiers
This is the perfect start to the season with classes for everyone from the very novice to the more experienced.
Back by popular demand - two classes of Have-a-Go Dressage with a casual dress code
Dressage, Show Jumping & Showing Ridden & In Hand classes for all ages & abilities.
Looking forward to seeing lots of our Members entering.
This would be the ideal show to start getting points for the 2020 BRC Grassroots League (see above)
SUMMER BBQ with FUN QUIZ on Saturday June 13th POSTPONED
at The Alma, Painters Forstal, ME13 0DU
Come and join us at The Alma for a sizzling Summer BBQ - a chance to catch up with FDRC friends and have a good natter and eat delicious food on a warm Summer evening. All under cover if the weather is not as clement as we would like!
There will be a quiz sheet and if you want to take part you can tackle it by yourself or with a partner or even a team or not do it at all! The choice is yours - Prize for the winner(s)
Cost: TBC nearer the date bookable in advance by either:
Emailing Anne at a.ball@mitgroup.co.uk and paying by BACS to
Barclays Acct No: 30858356 Sort Code: 60 19 25 Ref: BBQ
Posting form from flyer with a cheque made out to Faversham & District Riding Club
going to https://clubentries.com/favershamrc/
Hope to see lots of you there.
SHOW JUMPINGWITH MARIA DRAPERMaria's Clinics are very popular held at Twisden,(Next to Blue Barn) Great Chart,Nr Ashford. TN26 1JSMaria is a well respected show jumper and eventerShe works on rhythm, power and balance and how to ride courses correctly and what to expect in a course at Riding Club level and beyond. These are a 1 hour sessions starting at 1.30 pm on each date Cost is:- £15 per rider (max. 4 per group) -usually held on a SaturdayJumping 70cm + height will be adjusted for each class.
Julie's Clinics are very popular held at Twisden,(Next to Blue Barn) Great Chart,Nr Ashford. TN26 1JS
Julie is a well respected show jumper, eventer & trainer
She works on how to ride courses correctly and what to expect in a course at Riding Club level and beyond.
1 hour sessions at:
10.00 am - 60/70 cm group
11.00 am - 75+ group
Cost is:- £15 per rider (max. 4 per group) -usually held on a Saturday
Usually held on a Sunday
POLEWORK CLINIC on Sunday 16th August at Mockbeggar Farm, Rhodes Minnis CT4 6XY
1 hour Group lesson with Claire Stryzck (max number 4 per group).
All poles/cones - some poles may be raised.
BRC Covid guidelines to be adhered too (will be emailed out to those booking a place)
£10 members. £12 non members.
More dates soon - watch the Whats On diary
Entry via https://clubentries.com/favershamrc/index.php
For more details contact Liz Roberts at e.r.deen-sly@talk21.com or on 07813880373
SHOW JUMPING TRAINING at Chestnut Wood Farm Liveries, Detling ME14 3HL
Training with Emma Handebeaux at Chestnut Wood Stables, Detling.
This purpose built yard has a lovely open 60x35m fibre sand arena.
Easy access off the A249 With plenty of parking.
Sessions can be either individual, pairs or small groups of four.
This session will be working on how to jump certain lines found in a show jump course, doubles, related distances, dog legs, overs to uprights etc.
Starting at 2pm
Individual £35
Pairs £18 each
Group of four £15 each - grouped in accordance to course height. (70-75) (75 to 80) (80 to 90)
Please contact Liz Roberts to book a place and payment will be via club entries website (Must be paid on booking space) Entry/booking via www.Clubentries.com
More dates to come
For more details contact Liz Roberts at equinelaser@gmail.com or on 07813880373
DAY CAMP at Chestnut Wood Livery, Detling ME14 3HL
Saturday, August 29, 2020 at 9 AM – 6 PM
As we can not run the two day camp we had planned due to Covid19 we have organised this alternative DAY CAMP.
This will include 2 ridden lessons (Two riders per group so you will receive a good amount of one to one instruction), lunch and refreshments, product demonstration by EqWax and an opportunity to purchase products.
The morning session will be flatwork with Emma Kinsley.
Emma has represented GB on Pony Teams in Stockholm, training up to Intermediare level and has competed through the levels successfully, including the Nationals on a number of horses. She has successfully been Team Manager for BD Team Quest, managing the Team to finishing 5th at the Quest National Finals.
Emma Handebeaux will take the afternoon sessions of either pure pole work for those who prefer not to leave the ground to jumping (for those who wish to leave the ground). Emma has competed to BS Discovery and BE Novice. Emma has numerous wins in the showring with cobs and working hunters.
She runs a successful high end yard at Chestnut Wood, which also takes in horses for training and rehabilitation.
Lunch is provided as a picnic on the grass areas around the 60x35m arena.
The cost of the Day Camp is £65 for members and £70 for non-members. If you require extra places for lunch (for partner/helper/groom etc), these can be booked at £10 each.
The camp will be for a total of 6 people.
There are a limited number of day stables at £20 each, on a first come first served basis.
Please contact Liz in advance to book a stable. Horses can stay in lorries/trailers throughout the day. There is plenty of parking and space to allow for social distancing.
We will follow the BRC Covid 19 guidelines which will be sent out nearer the time
Members £65
Non Members £70
Entry/booking via www.Clubentries.com
For more details contact Liz Roberts at equinelaser@gmail.com or on 07813880373
on Saturday Monday 31st August
Our first social hack was much enjoyed by those taking part so we have organised another one.
You will be allocated in small groups (Max 5) and given a map and some written directions. The hack will be predominantly on quiet lanes (one busier road to cross and crossing through Elham Village) and bridleways.
It will be approximately 1.5 - 2 hours (around 6 miles). If you would prefer to ride just as pairs or even on your own, please let me know. Please let me know if you have preferences as to who you would like to ride with and any other information which will help in putting groups together (I.e. horse likes being in front or behind, no preference etc).
Each Group will be allocated a time, which will be 15/20mins apart, so you should not catch up with the group in front.
First group will leave at 2pm. The directions and map will also show areas which are good for trotting and cantering and areas to be cautious. One rider in each group will be allocated as group leader and the pace will be set to the slowest horse/rider combination.
ALL horses attending must have some experience of being on the road and seeing normal road traffic.
Harvest will be in full swing and hack has been designed to try to avoid main harvest areas but this can not be guaranteed. We will drive the route in the morning and some changes to route will be made if we see areas which may mean encountering a large number of agricultural vehicles.
Only £5/per horse to go to FDRC to help raise funds due to not having any competitions this year.
Plenty of space and time to distantly sit and chat to fellow members. If you have a map case, it would worth bringing it.
A Mobile phone must be carried by at least one of the riders in each group and emergency number will be written on the map/directions.
HiViz must be worn by every rider and ideally some hiviz on your horse (horse hiviz is not compulsory).
Please note NO TOILET FACILITIES at Mockbeggar Farm.
BRC Covid regulations must be adhered to and these will be sent out nearer the time
For more details contact Liz Roberts at equinelaser@gmail.com or on 07813880373
Friday, September 4, 2020 at 6.00 - 9.00 pm
Starting from the The Lord Whiskey Tearooms, Stelling Minnis CT4 6AN
Limited to 15 people due to Covid guidelines.
Cost is £11.25 (inc Clubentries.com booking fee)
Book your place on www.clubentries.com/Favershamrc
We will meet at 6.00pm for a 6.15pm set off from Lord Whiskey Tea Rooms, planning on an hours walk, time then to settle you dogs back in your cars/water and sanitise!
Ready for Fish and Chips.
For more details contact Liz Roberts at equinelaser@gmail.com or on 07813880373
NEW X/C TRAINING at Lockskinners Farm, TN8 7ND